Work at home smarter – PC-DMIS Offline webinar

We understand that many metrology professionals need to be able to continue programming at home.

As part of the Hexagon work at home smarter project we want to equip manufacturers with the tools needed to make the most out of PC-DMIS remotely, whether they are experienced users or new to PC-DMIS.

This video provides an overview of PC-DMIS Offline and runs through the key capabilities, functionality and workflows of the software.

Don’t forget that there are many other learning materials available from our Online Learning Portal. View the course list now, register and start accessing the free library of materials.

Look out for the upcoming blog where we walk through how to sign up and install PC-DMIS Offline.


  • Matt Kopesky

    Matt Kopesky has worked with PC-DMIS for 15 years in various roles both with Hexagon and as a user. His perspective from being an application engineer, CMM programmer and quality management professional is leveraged in his current role setting the roadmap for future releases of PC-DMIS. Matt still enjoys working through a wide range metrology tasks and integrating PC-DMIS into existing quality systems.

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