HxGN LOCAL Event Success in Asia-Pacific

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence just closed its largest HxGN LOCAL event ever held in the Asia-Pacific region. More than 500 users from all South-East Asia found their way to Bangkok on 20 and 21 March 2019 for an action-packed and education-filled conference dedicated to Smarter Factories. We took the opportunity to interview event leader and local Managing Director Taveesak Srisuntisuk.

Taveesak, congratulations on a successful HxGN LOCAL event in Asia-Pacific. How do you feel after an eventful week?

Thank you very much. I am very pleased that our event was very successful, and I would like to thank my team and our colleagues worldwide for all their support.

Can you tell us how it all started with the idea of organising a local event like this? What were the challenges you and your team faced?

HxGN Local Manufacturing ASIA 2019 blog imageWe have participated in exhibitions and technical seminars as well as the product line roadshows for many years. We felt this was a good time to present the whole range of Hexagon products at a single event showing how our manufacturing solutions improve quality and productivity across entire factory workflows.

What challenged us was the timing and attracting the right audience. We had many things to cover and prepare and we had only one day onsite to make it happen. Then, when everything was ready, we were naturally worried about attendance. But that turned out to be of no concern, as we welcomed many very interesting and interested participants. The success of this event made me very proud of my team and very happy that our attendees enjoyed the event.

What was on the schedule over the two days and what were the benefits for the participants?

There were 15 sessions of seminars each day, covering topics such as manufacturing processes, industry solutions and software learning, as well as live demonstrations and networking functions at the end of each day. The participants were able not only to learn about our innovations and technologies and how to make their factories smarter, but also were able to have fun with our networking events and exclusive concerts.

What was your favourite part of the event, and which of the sessions on the schedule really resonated with you?

The keynote and guest speech were very exciting and useful. And watching the participants moving around from one room to another room for seminars and demonstrations and enjoy our networking activities really brought the concept of the event to life, so that was also very enjoyable to me.

HxGN Local Manufacturing ASIA 2019 image 2Even with excellent planning, it’s often hard to know exactly how an event like this will go on the day. Was there anything that really surprised you about the way the event turned out?

To be honest, I would say that everything went completely to the plan thanks to the support from my team and overseas colleagues. The biggest surprise I had was the number of attendees from Thailand and all over the region – we really were impressed with how popular the event turned out to be.

It’s clear the event was a big success. What do you think were the key points that ensured that?

Thekey points of success were the excellent teamwork of Hexagon employees around the world, as well as the presence of our distributors and customers from the country and wider region.

Do you already have any plans in place for the next HxGN LOCAL in Asia-Pacific?

The regional teams here in Asia-pacific have already begun the process of preparing for next year’s HxGN LOCAL MANUFACTURING ASIA. They’re planning more great stories that will start here, and developing new and better solutions to the challenges we face – many inspired by insights gained from users. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in 2020!

Thank you Taveesak!


  • Anne Willimann

    Anne Willimann is the Marketing Director for Portable Products in Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division. She joined the company in 2005 and has held various roles in marketing and communications. Previous to that, she gathered international marketing experience in the B2B sector as well as in large-scale distribution. Mrs Willimann holds a Masters in International Management and Marketing from the Robert Schumann University in Strasbourg, France.

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