Five Things You May Not Know About Inspect

The execution of an inspection planis critical for ensuring the continuous production of quality products. Having a seamless inspection process can save you time and money. Introduced in PC-DMIS 2017 R1, Inspect is a production level interface that allows operators to easily execute measurement routines at the touch of a button.

In this post, we will explore some benefits of Inspect that you might not be aware of today.

1. Run older PC-DMIS measurement routines through Inspect
Do you currently have programs for older PC-DMIS versions? Does it currently take you a long time to update the measurement routine in newer versions of PC-DMIS? Now you can easily run older routines through Inspect.

2. Group routines by category to provide quick access to the items you need most
Inspect allows you to map routines to one or more directories and easily create headings that match your company structure, such as product type or customer name. A smart filter can cut down large lists of routines in real time, and common routines can be favorited to put them right in the main view. You can even select multiple routines to create a playlist to queue parts that are waiting.

3. You may already have Inspect installed on your systemInspect Slideshow
If you have purchased a new machine or updated your Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) in 2017 or 2018, chances are you have Inspect already installed on your system. PC-DMIS 2017 R1 was the first software version to include Inspect with the release.

4. Automatically store and easily search reports
Clear and highly visible quality data is an absolute must in modern manufacturing, and it’s increasingly important that data is reported in real time. Inspect’s reporting tab lists execution history including ‘good part’ and ‘bad part’ flags in the list without even opening the report. Sort the execution history by routine or date, and pull up old reports right from the list!

To increase interdepartmental communication further, Slideshow can be added to present streamlined data, tailored to your requirements, with unlimited customizable layouts and slides that illustrate the notations you specify.

5. Purely a measurement execution tool
Not all operators are experts in programming a coordinate measuring machine (CMM). Manufacturers require a simple interface that can allow operators to easily select and run an inspection program without having to navigate within the core programming software. Inspect, as a standalone tool, is ideal for operators with limited metrology experience or training. The interface guides operators through part alignment and fixturing using pictures of both the part and fixture. This gives the operator the confidence to easily execute measurement routines and gives quality engineers peace of mind.

Check out the Inspect webpage to learn more or check out our videos to start streamlining measurement routine deployment.


  • April Guenet

    April Guenet is a Product Marketing Manager for Bridge and Shop-Floor CMMs at Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence located in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. Guenet has written numerous articles and blog entries for both technical and nontechnical industries. Before joining Hexagon, she served as a marketing coordinator for a global analytical instrumentation manufacturer with experience in marketing, social media management, public relations, and digital marketing. Guenet holds a Bachelor of Science in Advertising and Marketing Communications from Johnson & Wales University.

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