HxGN LIVE keynote: Optimism holds the power to supercharge progress in manufacturing

HxGN LIVE Global 2023 took place in Las Vegas in June with Hexagon’s divisions coming together and bringing the latest advances in digital reality to hundreds of delegates from across the industrial landscape. Following on from Monday’s keynote from Hexagon AB President and CEO, Paolo Guglielmini, on the power of optimism to address our most challenging problems, Josh Weiss gave his perspective as President of Manufacturing Intelligence division.

Reading the news and being inundated with everyone’s opinions online, it can be difficult to remain optimistic about the future for the planet, but it is essential we do so. Thankfully, developments in manufacturing technology present plenty of reasons to build some of that optimism.

Reasons to be cheerful and optimistic

Artificial intelligence (AI) is seemingly a constant presence in the news feed currently, as engineers build ever more sophisticated humanoid robots and AI chatbots that mimic the conversational and writing style of humans. We’re already used to robots in manufacturing spaces carrying out repetitive and precision tasks. But we need this to go a couple of steps further by bringing the two spheres of manufacturing and AI together. To achieve this we are increasingly utilising big data, AI and machine learning to optimise industrial processes and make things faster and more efficiently. So, what does this mean for the future? Josh Weiss’ keynote at HxGN LIVE Global, “Manufacturing: Where optimism is made”, made it clear this means a bright future and that it’s important to come from a position of positivity.

“When we can explore new ideas without constraint, we can truly unlock progress.” Josh Weiss

Digital tools are already having a huge impact on productivity, as Josh Weiss highlighted in his keynote. With a significant increase in productivity in the US despite an equivalent decrease in total workforce, that shows something very new and interesting is happening.

But there is so much more that can and will be done.

In the same way that humans have utilised tools for millennia, we can embrace the opportunities presented by new technologies, removing limitations and barriers that have prevented progress. With a positive, optimistic approach we remove psychological restraints. And with application of new, advanced technologies we remove practical restraints. Combined, this is a powerful proposition.

“We’re at the perfect intersection of capabilities, vision, and purpose,” said Josh towards the close of his keynote. The advancements in technology have come at a time when we actually know where these tools are best employed and have a strategy to execute. Hexagon’s solutions deliver the capability to reduce material use and optimise performance across a wide range of discrete manufacturing industries, as showcased during the keynote by Chief Product & Technology Officer for Manufacturing Intelligence division, Parth Joshi. Automating processes through the implementation of robotics for tasks like inspection has the power to enhance, not replace human potential, giving more scope for creativity. And with software platforms such as Nexus, game-changing collaboration and freedom to innovate can be introduced to any manufacturing workflow.

Here is a quick glimpse of Hexagon’s automated inspection solution, PRESTO, in action at HxGN LIVE Global. This setup links separate PRESTO units in different global locations through Nexus to enable AR virtual assembly:

These qualities can transform manufacturing processes to provide a strong, healthy future for the planet and for businesses. Hexagon’s solutions are empowering people to be creative, agile and innovative in both real and digital worlds, making products more effective and their manufacture more efficient.

For the makers

Our sector touches upon the ultimate human attribute and competitive advantage, the ability to make things. And for thousands of years we have augmented our physical capabilities with tools, but now we have software to extend our reach further still along with out vision of a better future. Hexagon is empowering makers.to build that brighter future with the most incredible portfolio of digital reality solutions, as we saw with the array of new launches at HxGN LIVE Global.

If you couldn’t make it to HxGN LIVE Global and would like to see Josh’s keynote in full, including expert insights from Joel O’Connor of Johnson and Johnson and Tim Romzek of General Motors, watch it on-demand here.


  • Richard Scott

    With more than a decade of experience editing B2B publications, Richard joined Hexagon in 2021 as Global Content Programmes Lead. Located in the UK, Richard has written for and edited a wide range of journals focused on subject areas such as electrical engineering and the chemicals industry.

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